Monday, June 30, 2008


Asiasoft (Singapore) Pte Ltd

Toh Kian Hong, the Singaporean Director of Asiasoft (M) Sdn Bhd, is also a Director of Asiasoft (S) Pte Ltd. The other Directors are Izhak David Nakar (Israeli), Ido Schechter (Israeli) and Shoshani Eliahou Moshe (Israeli with Singapore PR). The company is wholly-owned by Asiasoft Global Pte Ltd.

Asiasoft Global Pte Ltd

The Directors of the company are Toh Kian Hong (Singapore citizen), Izhak David Nakar (Israeli) and Ido Schechter (Israeli). The shareholders are Toh and Top Image System Limited (Israel).

You can read about the company in the following link:

Izhak David Nakar (Israeli passport number 10902695)

Izhak David Nakar founded Top Image Systems Limited and served as Chairman of the Board and CEO from inception until May 2001. In 2005, he was re-elected as the Chairman of the Board and in this position is responsible for TIS’s strategic M&A activity.

Mr. Nakar served in the Israel Air Force from 1970 to 1987, where he led various large-scale highly technical development projects, including leading a development team that worked in cooperation with the U.S. Air Force. He received his B.Sc. in Computer Science from Bar Ilan University in 1982, and an MBA from Tel-Aviv University in 1984. Mr. Nakar is a recipient of the “Israel Defense Award,” bestowed annually by the President of Israel, for the development of high-tech systems in the field of intelligence for the Israeli Defense Force. He also received the “Man of the Year Award” in Business and Management (‘95-’96) in recognition of his business accomplishments and contributions to the growth and development of Israeli high-tech companies.

In 1998, Mr. Nakar founded NIR4YOU Capital, a privately held investment company specializing in early stage investments in high–tech companies. NIR4YOU Capital has 14 companies on its portfolio including: ForesCout, e-mobilis, TopGuard, Matearis, Video Codes, SundaySky, Secur DI, MomSense, etc. Three of the 14 companies were sold to large enterprises, including SAP and Microsoft. In 2004 Mr. Nakar was elected as a Board member of the Israel-Japan chamber of Commer

di dedahkan oleh Raja Petra: Baru kita tahu bahawa orang cina yang dapat kontrak besar, bukan melayu..patut le rahsia banyak bocor kat orang asing. Pakai orang politik cina, hentam melayu. Orang melayu semua tak boleh dapat kontrak, cina saje boleh. cuba tengok komen , semua setuju, israel baik, sekarang baru tahu orang melayu...

Sunday, June 29, 2008


PAS is also compounding the problem. They forget that they are just a member of the opposition coalition, Pakatan Rakyat, and are not the federal government or the absolute government in the states, in particular Selangor. What’s with this protest against the ‘sexy’ singers? If aurat is such a big issue, then they should also protest against the football match. The 22 footballers will be wearing shorts, which means that their aurat is uncovered. Why protest against two female singers who reveal too much flesh but ignore the 22 male footballers who also reveal too much?

It appears like these PAS people are discriminating against women. If women reveal too much flesh, then PAS gets all excited. But men are allowed to violate the Islamic rule by revealing too much flesh. That is not a problem. Should not rules apply to everyone, men as well as women? Why are only women targeted for reprisals whereas men get away with whatever they want to do?

Two days ago, a policeman at Putra Heights raped an underage girl. The girl was not sexily dressed. She was not even a criminal but a mere pillion rider. But she was detained and taken to the police station and raped. Why has PAS kept silent on this matter? Where is that massive demonstration to protest police officers raping underage girls? Is fighting with the Sultan of Selangor over whether female singers not dressed like Arabian Bedouins should be permitted to sing in public more important than an underage girl being raped by a policeman?

And all this talk about Islamising the country is frightening the voters. Pakatan Rakyat did not come into office because of just PAS members’ votes. Many non-PAS members -- Malays, Chinese and Indians included -- voted for Pakatan Rakyat. But they did not vote in favour of an Islamic State

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Anwar's statement during his meting with the cristian group in Shah Alam

(1) Apostasy is not a crime.
(2) Lina Joy should be legally declared a Christian as the Syariah Courts have grossly erred in declaring that a Muslim cannot change faith according to conscience.
(3) Detention and incarceration and the torture which Revathi went through was illegal and can never be regarded as part of an Islamic ‘rehabilitative procedure’.
(4) PKR will institute reform of the Syariah law and procedures in Malaysia if it comes to power.

emmph...what's going on. U want to be champion like a chameleon.


Hari Ahad yang lalu Saudara Yahya Sahri telah digantung tugas beliau. Menurut pembacaan politik saya yang dangkal dan tidak pernah dipandang oleh mana-mana pucuk pimpinan, perkara ini ada seseorang yang mempengaruhi TS Khalid Ibrahim. Beliau adalah seorang yang rapat dengan Saudara. Saya rasa tuduhan saya ini tidak terlalu melulu kerana mengenali beliau dan cara politik beliau dan bagaimana beliau mencincang Kabilah ABIM di Kemaman, saya tak syak lagi bahawa insan yang terlibat di belakang pemecatan ini adalah Saudara Azmin Ali.Bukan tuduhan melulu, tetapi ada beberapa fakta yang boleh mengaitkan Saudara Azmin dalam hal ini.

1. Saudara Azmin memang sangat kecewa apabila tidak dilantik sebagai Menteri Besar Selangor. Ini sangat diketahui oleh kami yang berada di dalam Bahagian Gombak.
2. Saudara Yahya Sahri adalah satu-satunya watak yang dapat mengimbangi Saudara Azmin di dalam negeri Selangor.
3. Saudara Yahya Sahri adalah antara satu-satunya survival dalam penyembelihan anggota ABIM di Mesyuarat di Kemaman.
4. Saudara Azmin Ali memang mencuba untuk menyusun oang-orang beliau di dalam Keadilan dan juga dalam pemerintahan negeri. Pengganti Yahya Sahri adalah org beliau yang telah lama tidak aktif dalam Keadilan dan cuma muncul selepas kemenangan KeADILan di dalam PRU 12.

Selepas ini tindakan yang saya jangka Saudara Azmin akan menyalahkan TS Khalid Ibrahim kerana tidak dapat ‘handle’ kes Yahya Sahri dan Majlis Kerajaan Tempatan dihadapan Saudara dan meminta TS Khalid berundur dan akan diambil alih jawatan oleh beliau sendiri. Atau akan terdapat rombakan Exco dalam negeri Selangor dan jawatan-jawatan Exco akan diambil alih orang-orang yang berpihak kepada beliau.

Hanya Saudara seorang sahaja yang dapat menasihati Saudara Azmin ini. Terus terang kami katakan kebanyakan kami pimpinan bawahan yang marhaen ini amat tersinggung dengan tindak tanduk Saudara Azmin di Bahagian Gombak. Kami kebanyakan tidak berani bersuara dihadapan beliau kerana beliau bersikap autokratik dalam kepimpinan beliau di Bahagian. Keputusan beliau dalam pemilihan Ahli Majlis misalnya membuatkan kami pimpinan kecil di bawah terasa seperti Balaci atau gurkha.

Ingin saya bertanya kepada Dato’ Seri apakah kemenangan Parti Keadilan Rakyat di Selangor ini adalah digerakkakn oleh golongan Profesional? Tak tahu di tempat lain tapi kami di Gombak golongan inilah yang mendiam diri dan tidak berbuat apa-apa dan membiarkan kami bergolok-gadai dan hampir kehilangan segalanya, saya contohya, kerana perjuangan ini saya hilang perniagaan. Tetapi apabila Parti menang, mereka ini di beri tempat sebaik-baiknya. Tahniah!!!! Kami kepimpinan parti yang di bawah cuma mahu suara kami didengar bukan hanya suara atau arahan Azmin Sahaja yang kami perlu dengar.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


RAJA PENIPU ...menyatakan pendiriannya....the Islamic youth movement, ABIM, is upset that the government is not upholding racial discrimination. So the ABIM people too are not true Muslims.

Yes, that’s right; don’t get too impressed and awed by any Arab look-alike, Bin Ladin wannabe. They may dress like Muslims from the Arabian desert. They may talk like Muslims. They may sujud (prostrate) on the ground with their backsides pointing to the sky five times a day. They may go to Mekah twice a year whereas others go only once in their entire life. Their wives and daughters may be ‘properly’ covered with a tudung or headscarf. They may even let loose from their lips a few Arabic words from time to time. But they are not true Muslims. They are munafik and fasik.Muslims. That is what Umno and ABIM are. Yet the pretend they are true Muslims. Bullshit! This is bullshit Islam practiced by bullshit Muslims. What they uphold and practice is everything that Islam opposes.

Orang Gila, yang perasan support rakyat...padahal sebelum ni dia ambil duit rakyat dengan menyamar keturunan Raja..bawa perempuan keluar masuk bilik masa muda..pegi dah, nak cabar ulamak lagi...MUNAFIK SERUPA JEW.