Thursday, April 17, 2008


"How and why should a non-Muslim be taken to court for simply being in love with a Muslim? And why, for that matter, should a Muslim be punished for simply loving a non-Muslim? Furthermore the non-Muslim partner in such a relationship may not even regard it as wrong to simply be in love with another. Yet the advocates of this reform are suggesting that he or she has committed a sin even if he or she has not done anything wrong according to his or her belief system." LETS HAVE PARTY....
Let the cameras of the international media come to Malaysia to film the spectacle of Malaysians being arrested, detained in rehabilitation centres, whipped and injured for life by the morality police and religious authorities. Let the whole world know that ‘Islam Hadari’ has never opened up the minds of Muslims. Let us expose this lie once and for all, and the liars behind the lie as well.(So Is Islam Hadari To Be Enforced By Whipping Now? By Farish A. Noor,. LKS IS NOW LAUGHING. I HAVE FARISH TO WALLOP MUSLIM,ISLAM, MALAY, UMNO? JUST BCOS YOU HAVE A DIFFERENT IDEAS AND VIEWS, HOW CAN YOU SUGGEST SUCH THING, FARISH NOR..HOW DISGUSTING THIS SO CALL INTELLECTUAL .