Thursday, May 22, 2008


It's stupid really. But thanks to the National Islamic Students Association of Malaysia, an unheard of group, we have made it to the international media for the wrong reason, again. The group has claimed that the school uniforms worn by our female students are too sexy, saying the blouse were too transparent and could lead to rape and pre-marital sex. What planet do these guys come from? These little Talibans are also claiming that these uniforms are a distraction. The Home Ministry also has their strange rules. Newspapers and magazines cannot have pictures of women in clevages, belly buttons or arm pits. But hey, you get plenty of these on MTV but that's because another ministry is handling TV stations! For a stronger perspective, hear it from Patrick Teoh.

ini gambaran yang diberikan oleh Wong Chun Wai, Group Editor Chief of STAR kepada PKPIM. Berbaur kebencian, serta menuduh /berhujah cara tidak sopan dalam memberi pandangan. Apakah sdr merasakan bahawa orang cina terutama DAP semakin sayang orang melayu...jangan terpedaya dengan janji manis politik orang cina , walau dimana juga mereka berada...umpama pisau sentiasa dibelakang mereka, tunggu tiba masanya....jangan terlambat.