Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Anwar Ibrahim’s erstwhile good buddy, Nallakaruppan left in disgust because, according to him, Anwar instructed him not to contest the party's VP position. Well, that's Anwar's (de facto) style of democracy, I suppose. Predictably the PKR devotees lambasted Nalla for being greedy, self-centered, poor performing, etc as if anyone had expected those PKR diehards to lament his departure.

But as everyone knew, Nalla's acrimonious leaving had cast serious questions about Anwar Ibrahim's commitment to the PKR's claim to multi-ethnic policies and proclivities. We have just seen how the Chinese section of PKR has recently wrestled bitterly with DAP over seats allocation despite Anwar’s agreement with Lim Jnr/Snr. The Chinese section of PKR must have realized that they were ‘forgotten’ or not considered in the Anwar-Lim seats negotiations – ha ha ha! - and decided they have to take matters into their own hands.

And it’s not just the Indians (or Chinese) because prior to the last PKR party polls, the former PKR Youth secretary SD Johari had also accused Anwar Ibrahim of meddling with party polls. Johari who received the highest number of nominations was so disgusted with Anwar’s meddling that he withdrew completely from the party polls and then left the party with Ezam.

Now, we see a certain junior party member catapulted to a prime parliamentary seat ahead of more senior people who had strived hard and sacrificed much for Anwar. And why? What's so special about her?

So, is PKR a democratic party? How then can we expect PKR to be worthy of our votes if it’s not?